
OPC Spa 480mg/60 capsules

● do you have blurred vision?

● are you old and rough?

● do you want to be beautiful?

● do you want to improve your immunity?

● do you often have allergies?

● do you often catch colds?

● do you want to remove more free radicals from your body?

● do you want to reduce dark spots on your face?

Please choose "OPC Spa" first, the ingredients of the OPC Spa can help you gain the nutrition of cells in the body so that you are healthier!


A. Introduction

1. Made from Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins(OPC), 100% herbal extracts;

2. 20 times more efficient than Vitamin C and 60 times more efficient than Vitamin E;

3. Small molecule structure fights the lipid oxidation of cell membranes;

4. Helps fight oxidation and free radicals;

5. Strengthens the human immune system and cell metabolism;


B.OPCSpa Ingredients


Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs),


Grape Seed Extract,


Green Tea Polyphenols(GTP),

Red Wine Extract


C. the ingredients of OPCSpa Functions

● Improves the resistance and functions of micro-vessels;

● Improves the resistance of the immune system;

● Improves the recycling operation of the retina and improves sight;

● Mollifies adverse reactions to inflammations;

● Slows down the skin aging process and loss of elasticity process of the skin;

● Participates in the prevention of allergy, skin aging, inflammation, and ulceration.


D Suitable for:

students, teachers, computer workers, banking staff, drivers, pilots, policemen, and computer game fans.


E. Dosage

General dosage: 1-2 capsules each time, two times per day

Intensive dosage: 2-3 capsules each time, three times per day

It has no side effects even after long-term administration.  Can be taken during meals.


【Manufacturer】Merion Inc

【Specification】60 capsules/bottle, 500mg/capsule

Shelf life】3 years

Country of origin】USA

【Caution】 This product cannot replace medication

【Storage】 This product shall be stored at room temperature (below 26°C or 80°F). The shelf life for this product is three years.

-Not to expose to high temperatures.

-Not to be placed under the sun or in the overheated trunk.

-Not to store it in the refrigerator.

-To tighten the lid after opening, and to finish using the bottle within 45 days. 

-Please check the product before purchasing. The product is not returnable nor exchangeable after purchase because it is undeterminable whether the customer has placed it under high temperature.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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